Academic Council

The Academic Council of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality is one of the forms of collegial management of the University. In exercising its powers, the Academic Council is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory documents of the Tourism Industry Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the designated areas of work, the University Charter. The activities of the Academic Council are based on transparency, collective discussion of issues within its competence.

Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality

Almukhametova Akmaraal Zhenisovna

Telephone: +77773206060


The functions of the Academic Council are:

  • approval of the changes and additions made to the structure of the University;
  • determination and submission of proposals to the meetings of the University staff on the adoption of amendments and additions to the University Charter;
  • creation of the activities of educational and scientific departments of the University (departments, laboratories, departments, faculties, etc.);
  • definition of the concept, approval of the policy and goals of the development of the University;
  • making decisions on all fundamental issues of organizing educational, research and economic activities, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel;
  • listening to the annual reports of the rector on the activities of the University, vice-зкщмщые, heads of structural divisions and other officials on the directions, forms and methods of conducting educational, research, educational, financial, economic, informational, international and other types of activities;
  • review and recommendation for the publication of textbooks, teaching aids and educational and methodological developments;
  • making a decision on transferring students from a paid department to an educational grant;
  • determination of the procedure for using extra-budgetary funds, as well as directions for reinvesting income received in accordance with the established procedure through the provision of paid additional educational services, as well as the sale of manufactured products, works and services;
  • approval and awarding of honorary titles of the University, awarding of commemorative medals of the University;
  • consideration of issues on the submission of University staff, creative teams to government awards and honorary titles; on nomination for prizes and scholarships, recommendations for participation in competitions for election to full members and corresponding members of academies of sciences, “The best University teacher”, etc.;
  • establishment of the structure and volume of admission of students to the first year for training at the expense of extra-budgetary funds;
  • approval of the Regulations on the current control of knowledge, on interim certification, on the procedure for awarding scholarships to students and other Regulations, Rules;
  • approval of the curriculum, academic calendars, the schedule of the educational process (terms of training sessions, practice) and making changes to them;
  • solving the issues of the strategy for the development of scientific activities of the University; approval of priority scientific directions of the University, listening to the heads of structural divisions of the University on the results of fundamental and applied research;
  • solving the issues of the strategy for the development of the educational process: the opening of new directions (educational programs), systems and technologies for training specialists; personnel and material support of the educational activities of the University; international relations in educational areas, solving other issues of the formation of the contingent of students;
  • in accordance with the existing license, consideration of proposals on the control figures for the admission of the nomenclature of directions (educational programs) for which bachelor’s degrees, specialists with higher professional education, retraining and advanced training of personnel are carried out;
  • approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the formation of thematic research plans on the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reporting on the implementation of research, on the database of research results;
  • consideration of a petition to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for awarding academic titles of professor and associate professor in various fields;
  • consideration of the possibility of organizing training in basic and additional educational programs declared for licensing;
  • consideration of other issues of the University’s current activities that require a collegial decision.

Applicants for academic titles:

Adilova Kultay (20.11.2023)

Abdrakhmanov Rustam (29.04.2024)

Kurmanbayev Bolat (01.08.2024)

Nakhipbekova Symbat (18.11.2024)

Sandybaeva Akmaral (17.02.2025)

Composition of the Academic Council

The Academic Council of the university is created by the order of the university rector

The Academic Council of the University may include the rector, vice-provost, heads of structural divisions, representatives of the teaching staff, student and public organizations of the university.

The Chairman of the Academic Council of the University is the rector. The Chairman appoints the Vice-Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman performs his duties.

The composition of the Academic Council of the University is elected for a term of 3 years and consists of an odd number of members. As necessary, individual changes may be made to its composition by the decision of the Academic Council of the University. The composition of the Academic Council of the University is approved by the order of the university rector.

The meeting of the Academic Council is held at least once a month.

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