The main purpose of the ADMISSIONS is to organize and coordinate the processes of forming a contingent of students, professional orientation of graduates of schools and colleges to the educational programs of the University, promotion of its educational activities based on the study of the needs of the educational services market, promotion of educational programs and recruitment for all programs in all areas of study.
The ADMISSIONS organizes and coordinates the work related to attracting applicants and their admission to the University.
To organize the work of the Admissions Committee, according to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 №. 600 ” On approval of Standard rules for admission to educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education”, the Rector of the University approves the composition of the Admissions Committee, which includes: Rector (Chairman), Vice-Rector for Academic and scientific activity (Deputy Chairman), Head of the Admissions Committee (Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee), members of the commission and technical secretaries.
Alaidarov Ak-Adil
Rector’s office, office No. 112 office
Sultankhan Zhangeldi
Rectorate building, Office No. 112