As part of the «Science Week» on April 11, 2024, the IUTH hosted a competition of student scientific projects «Development of Tourism in Kazakhstan». 17 student projects were submitted for the competition, dedicated to various problems of tourism and hotel and restaurant business development both in Kazakhstan and in the Turkestan region («Innovative technologies in the management of the tourism and hospitality industry», «Marketing communications in the B2B market in the hospitality industry: features, problems of building and ways to solve them», «Strengthening the tourism potential of the Botai culture in the North Kazakhstan region», «Research on effective marketing strategies in social networks to attract tourists to Turkestan», «IUTH Students Map», «Ethno-hotel – Plunge into the improved past», etc.). Of particular interest was the project «Sayahat Times: a project for the development of domestic tourism together with villagers», prepared by students Sh. Berikkyzy, S. Ikramova, A. Mahala and A. Orynbasar under the guidance of senior lecturer, Master of the School of Tourism N.M. Abdrazakov, who took 1st place. According to the results of the competition, the winners were presented with memorable gifts: a tablet for 1st place; a smart watch for the 2nd place; a smart speaker for the 3rd place. 2 students-winners of the nomination «Young Scientist» received M. Auezov’s novel «Abai Zholy».