Tourism school

The School of Tourism employs highly qualified teaching staff, which contributes to the development of this field. Currently in the:

29 teaching and support staff: 12 candidates of sciences and PhD of them: 2-professors, 3- associate professors, 7-acting associate professor, 17-Masters of Science in the field of tourism.

In order to increase the level of students’ knowledge, representatives of government agencies, business organizations, as well as employers are involved in the educational and scientific process in the educational program of the department. All training programs have been developed taking into account modern economic and other changes, the requirements of employers and business representatives, including the basic requirements of the draft professional standard (developed by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan “Atameken”).

Today, all disciplines provided for study are provided with appropriate textbooks, teachers of the department develop educational and methodological complexes of disciplines, determine the schedule of independent work, work on the organization and conduct of industrial (professional) practice.

State organizations and representatives of foreign and domestic businesses actively participate in the development of educational programs.

Students of educational programs, within the framework of dual training, have the opportunity to take practical classes in companies of the tourism industry and 4-5 star hotels of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



The School of Tourism in the 2024-2025 academic year accepts applicants for the following educational programs:
1. 6B11102-International and domestic tourism (language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English)
2. 6B11105 – Management of tourist destinations (language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English)
3. 6B111012-Tourism Guide Service (language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English)
4. 6B11106-Sport tourism (language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian)
The training programs combine theoretical and practical exercises in a harmonious way: this helps students to get a comprehensive competent training and graduate already knowledgeable specialists with practical work experience. We are actively developing useful personal qualities that will help students build a successful career in the future and take their place in the global tourism and hotel industry: communication skills, leadership and organizational qualities.

6B11102-International and Domestic Tourism

The educational program “6B11102-International and Domestic Tourism” covers a wide range of knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in the tourism industry. Students of this specialty study various aspects of tourism, including its economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects, both in the context of international and domestic tourism.
The main areas of study may include:
1. Tourism Business and Management: Students learn the basics of management in tourism, including marketing, finance, human resources management and operational management.
2. Hospitality and service: This includes learning about professional standards of customer service, hotel management, catering, and other aspects of the hotel industry.
3. Geography and Culture: students study the geography of different regions of the world, the peculiarities of their cultures, history, traditions and religion, which helps them understand the specifics and needs of various tourist markets.
4. Ecological and sustainable tourism: This is an important aspect in the modern tourism industry, where students learn methods to minimize the negative impact of tourism on the environment and local communities.
5. International relations and legal aspects: study of legislation and international agreements governing tourism, as well as the importance of international cooperation in this area.
Graduates of the Educational program “6B11102-International and domestic tourism” can find work in various fields of tourism, such as travel agencies, hotel companies, tour operators, as well as in government organizations involved in tourism and cultural affairs. In addition, they can work in the field of consulting, resource management and tourism development, as well as in educational and research institutions.

6B11105-Management of tourist destinations

The educational program “6B11105-Management of tourist destinations” combines knowledge from the field of business, marketing, hospitality and tourism for the effective management and development of tourist destinations and regions. Experts in this field work to create and implement strategies that attract tourists, provide them with a comfortable stay and stimulate the development of local economies.
The main tasks of the tourist destination manager include:
1. Marketing and advertising: Development and implementation of marketing campaigns to attract tourists from different regions and countries. This may include creating an attractive image of a tourist destination, using social media, participating in tourist exhibitions, etc.
2. Infrastructure: Organization and management of infrastructure necessary for the convenience and safety of tourists. This includes developing the transport network, creating a variety of entertainment facilities and attractions, as well as providing high-quality service.
3. Sustainable development: Planning and implementing strategies for the development of the tourism industry, taking into account the preservation of the environment, cultural heritage and social structure of the region. This may include introducing green technologies, supporting local communities, and promoting ecotourism.
4. Quality management: Providing a high level of service and quality of services for tourists. This includes monitoring cleanliness and safety, training hotel and public sector personnel, and developing and implementing service standards.
5. Brand management: Managing the branding of a tourist destination, lifestyle brands strive to reflect the values, aspirations and views of the subculture.
Graduates of the Educational program “6B11105-Management of tourist destinations” can work in enterprisesредприятиях of the tourism industry of various forms of ownership: state bodies, public organizations, private companies; republican; enterprises in the field of accommodation and catering; objects of cultural and leisure activities; secondary professional training centers.

6B111012-Tourism Guide Service

The educational program “6B111012-Tourism Guide Service” is a professional tour guide and organizer who helps tourists to immerse themselves in the local culture, history and attractions. The tourist guide is a key link in the tourism industry, providing information, comfort and safety to tourists during their travels.
The duties of a tourist guide include:
1. Guided tours and sightseeing programs: Guides guide tourists to various places, telling them about the history, culture, architecture and other interesting aspects of the local heritage.
2. Route preparation: Guides create routes and excursion plans, taking into account the interests and needs of clients.
3. Information support: Guides provide tourists with useful information about local traditions, customs, restaurants, shops, etc.
4. Safety and comfort: Guides monitor the safety of the group during excursions, warn about dangerous areas and help in solving problems that arise.
5. Cross-cultural interaction: Guides provide interaction between tourists and the local population, helping to create a positive impression of the country or region.
A successful career in this field requires good communication skills, knowledge of foreign languages, extensive knowledge of local history and culture, and the ability to work in a dynamic and sometimes non-standard environment. Tourist guides can work independently, as well as in large travel agencies or companies.

6B11106-Sport Tourism

The educational program “6B11106-Sport Tourism” is a field of tourism in which active physical participation and playing sports during travel are the main components. This educational program unites lovers of an active lifestyle, nature and travel. It offers unique opportunities for people who want to combine adventure with sports and discover new places.
Students studying sports tourism gain knowledge about various sports such as cycling, mountaineering, hiking, water sports and many others. They also learn the basics of tourism, including organizing hikes, mountain and water safety, route planning, and managing a group in extreme conditions.
Specialists in the field of sports tourism can work in travel agencies specializing in active recreation, nature parks, hotels and resorts offering sports events, as well as as guides and instructors in sports activities.
Career opportunities in this field can be very diverse, including organizing tours, developing routes, coaching, managing individual tourist sites, or even starting your own business in the field of sports tourism.

Compulsory disciplines

Techniques and tactics of active types of tourism, Tourism Management, Tourism Marketing, Geography of International Tourism, Fundamentals of Turismology, Museology, Tourist Local Lore, Organization of hotel and restaurant business, Management of hotel and restaurant business, Marketing of hotel and restaurant business, Introduction to Academic Writing, Leadership, Tourist and Sports Training, Introduction to Academic Writing, Tourism economics, Tourist zoning, Geography of International Tourism, Tourism Infrastructure, Business planning in Tourism, English for Specific Purposes, Scientific-research activity in tourism, Standardization and certification in tourism, Industrial practice

Educational trajectories

Educational trajectories:
The individual educational trajectory is one of the key factors in the development of the higher education system today. Providing students with the opportunity to independently build their educational program, choosing disciplines that best meet their interests and the challenges of the time, contributes to improving the quality of education and, consequently, the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.
The International University of Tourism and Hospitality offers the following educational trajectories:
– 6B11102-International and domestic tourism: Eco-Ethno-Agro management; Tour operator and travel agency activities;
− 6B11104-Hotel and restaurant business: Hotel management;Restaurant management;
− 6B11105-Management of tourist destinations: Brand management; Innovation management;
− 6B11108-Organization of excursion services and individual tours: Excursion and animation activities; Organized tourism;
− 6B11109-Event management: Corporate event management; Cultural and entertainment event management;

Professional practice

The industrial (professional) practice of students is an integral part of the educational process and is aimed at consolidating and deepening the knowledge and skills acquired by students in the learning process, as well as mastering the system of professional skills and initial experience of professional activity in the specialty being studied. The passage of educational and professional practice of students in an accredited PLO corresponds to the training of highly qualified specialists and is carried out in specialized institutions assigned to the university in accordance with the established procedure. The passage of students of educational and professional practice is a mandatory component of training in the OP specialty.


An additional educational program (Minor) is a program of study that a student can choose during the process of studying in the main educational program (Major). As part of the educational program, the university offers students a choice of additional education – Minor. Minor is selected from the catalog of additional education programs after the 1st year and consists of 3 disciplines with a volume of 5 credits each, allows you to form additional professional competencies in various subject areas.
The International University of Tourism and Hospitality offers the following Minor programs:
1. Hotel management;
2. Restaurant management;
3. Event management;
4. Travel agency and tour operator activities;
5. Excursion service;
6. Sports tourism;
7. Fundamentals of language communication in the field of modern tourism (Turkish, Chinese, German;
8. Sports instructor;
9. Wrestling coach;
10. Sports and Intellectual games coach

School composition

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