Scientific projects implemented at the International University of Tourism and Hospitality with funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Project name: АР19679687 Analysis of big data (Big Data) and processing of text on the basis of reviews of travelers with the aim of improving tourism of Kazakhstan at the world level.
The importance of the project is although Kazakhstan is a geopolitically favorable country, rich in natural and cultural heritage sites located along the Great Silk Road in Central Asia, the country’s tourism destinations still do not reach the level that can compete with developed countries. Secondly, in the field of tourism, there is a shortage of data analytic specialists (Big Data analytic), who can reveal the problems of all components of tourism in Kazakhstan, processing tourists’ reviews necessitate Big Data Analytics.
The aim of the project is a complete text analysis generated by travelers across Kazakhstan in three main pillars of the tourism industry, called accommodation, food and beverage, and attractions. This Project contains several data analytics tools to pinpoint the situation of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan, determine advantages and disadvantages in perspective of contemporary tourism implementations, find the issues, relationships between issues, relatively better situations, suggest improvements and enhancement measures that need to be taken in eye of travelers by running text analysis and statistical modeling.
Project objectives is the scope of the project includes the execution of three main components: determining the competitiveness, performance and demand conditions of the accommodation, food and beverage and attraction sectors as components of the Kazakhstan tourism industry relative to their global, regional (Central Asian) and Silk Road competitors.
Amount of grant financing: 69863374.32 tenge: 2023 year –19407850 tenge, 2024 year – 25415444,6 tenge, 2025 year – 25040079,8 tenge.
Expected results
Information about performers
No | Full Name | Service |
1 | Abdikarimova Madina Nurbulatovna | Project manager, leading researcher |
2 | Kemal Kantarji | leading researcher |
3 | Abdrasilov Turganbai Kurmanbayevich | leading researcher |
4 | Meirbekov Akylbek Kairatbekovich | leading researcher |
5 | Murat Alper Basharan | senior researcher |
6 | Alper Kurshat Uysal | senior researcher |
7 | Abishov Nurzhan Orynbasarovich | senior researcher |
8 | Adilova Kultai Agytaevna | senior researcher |
9 | Abdirazakov Nurzhan | senior researcher |
10 | Nakhipbekova Symbat Abdraimkovyna | senior researcher |
The development of tourism education and tourism in general will contribute to the development of mobility of tourism personnel in the developing economy and social sphere of the region. This is especially true for the Turkestan system of professional tourism education, which is based on local tourist values (the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi), which is currently, at the initiative of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, subject to positive progressive changes in both temporal and spatial terms. The city of Turkestan is the oldest city (from this follows the prospects for the development of tourism in this region), at the same time the regional center of the youngest region of the country. In October 2020, a presentation of the city in its new status took place. By signing the historical decree on the formation of the Turkestan region in 2018, the former President of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev instructed the development of the city as a cultural and historical center of the entire Turkic world. Currently, plans for the construction and creation of new tourist facilities are being implemented. A total of 57 tourist routes have been developed in the direction of historical, environmental, cultural, entertainment and educational tourism. For the efficiency of these tourist routes, in our opinion, an important role will be played by the saturation of the tourism sector of the city of Turkestan with highly qualified personnel with the necessary language training.
The scientific novelty of this project is determined by the following contradictions that are characteristic of the modern educational process in foreign language training of specialists in the field of tourism:
In this regard, the relevance of the idea of this project is revealed – conducting a set of studies on improving the system of digitalization of foreign language education in the field of tourism and the communicative and cognitive competence of bachelors of tourism. Digitalization of tourism education is a significant component of the process of forming innovative personnel in the field of tourism.
Objective of the project
Scientific, pedagogical and methodological substantiation of effective ways to improve the communicative and cognitive competence of specialists in the field of tourism in teaching English using digital tools as a factor in the successful implementation of an educational program of higher education that meets international standards.
The amount of grant funding for the entire period of project implementation is 70,058,964 (seventy million fifty-eight thousand nine hundred sixty-four) tenge, for 2023 – 19,621,004 (nineteen million six hundred twenty-one thousand four) tenge, for 2024 – 25,185,296 (twenty-five million one hundred eighty-five thousand two hundred ninety-six) tenge, for 2025 – 25,252,664 (twenty-five million two hundred fifty-two thousand six hundred sixty-four) tenge.
Expected results
Project implementers:
No. | Aty-zhoni | Kyzmeti |
1 | Akeshova Madina | Project manager |
2 | Rizakhojayeva Gulnara | Leading researcher |
3 | Shalabaeva Laura | Researcher |
4 | Nyshanova Saltanat | Researcher |
5 | Azizova Ainur | Researcher |
6 | Ramankulov Sherzod | Researcher |
7 | Nurmaganbetkyzy Nurdana | Researcher |
8 | Yusupova Guzal | Researcher |
Published project results for 2023
Articles in scientific publications recommended by RK Committee
Articles in conference proceedings
Published monographs
Scientific projects implemented at the International University of Tourism and Hospitality with funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The name of the project topic:
Study of the information potential of religious tourism facilities in the Turkestan region: development of a multimedia interactive atlas in 4 languages.
The project idea:
The ultimate goal of the idea is to group spiritual values in the memory of the nation. The basis of the idea is to establish the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi as a single complex in the memory of the nation by studying the cultural and historical monuments of the Turkestan region, such as the mausoleums of Arystan Bab, Aziz Baba, Isaac Bab, Uzun Ata, Badr Ata, Ibrahim Ata, Karashash Ana, Khizyr Tower in Sozak, Shardara and Sairam districts.
Being a spiritual teacher of the Turkic peoples, a preacher-sheikh who spread Islam, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi is one of the important factors that turned Turkestan into a center of religious pilgrimage. By raising the Sufism doctrine to the level of Tariqat and raising the human consciouseness to a new level, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi defined a new direction of spiritual development for the Turkic peoples and the human race as a whole, and directly contributed to the birth of the great Jalaladdin Rumi, Haji Bektash Uali, Jami, Sagdi, Navoi, etc
Today, the flow of people arriving in the Republic of Kazakhstan is growing. One of the tourist centers of the country is the Turkestan region. With its unique natural resources and original culture of nomadic people, it has enormous potential for tourism development in the international market.
The relevance of the problem is determined by the fact that the development of religious, cultural and educational tourism of the Turkestan region and the impact of a properly designed information base on the increase of the demand for religious, cultural and educational tours in the Turkestan region. The flow of tourists is increasing every year, but the tourism potential of the region can be further increased through professional promotion.
Through the scientific project of compiling an informative multimedia interactive atlas of religious tourism facilities in the Turkestan region, the features of sacred objects and objects of religious tourism, the motives of modern religious travel, the aspects of spiritual tourism related to religion and secularism will be studied on the basis of the views of domestic and foreign scientists.
The requested amount of grant funding: 89,805,484 tenge.
Project name:
AP23488900 Automatic detection of cyberbullying among young people in social networks using artificial intelligence
In the context of the growing problem of cyberbullying among youth, especially on social networks, this project aims to develop automated systems that use artificial intelligence to detect and prevent such incidents. The main goal of the project is to create an effective tool capable of identifying cases of cyberbullying in real time, which will allow timely measures to be taken to protect potential victims.
The problem of cyberbullying is caused not only by the widespread use of digital technologies and social networks, but also by the difficulties in defining the boundary between a joke and aggression, especially among young people. Therefore, the study is aimed at an in-depth analysis of the linguistic features, behavioral patterns and contextual factors characteristic of cyberbullying.
The goal of the project is to develop an advanced cyberbullying detection system based on machine learning algorithms to improve the digital safety and psychosocial well-being of youth in the social media environment.
Project objectives:
1. Developing a parser to collect data using keywords: The first task is to create a parser that automatically collects text data from social networks using keywords related to cyberbullying. This will ensure the collection of targeted data for subsequent analysis and training of models.
2. Manual annotation of data into classes: An important task that involves manually classifying the collected data to create an accurate training dataset. This will provide a high-quality training dataset for training machine learning models.
3. Development of a dataset containing examples of cyberbullying in the Kazakh language: Creation of a specialized dataset in the Kazakh language, which will be used for training and testing models specific to this linguistic and cultural context.
4. Development of machine learning models for detecting cyberbullying in the Kazakh language: Development and configuration of machine learning models specially adapted for detecting cyberbullying in texts in the Kazakh language.
5. Developing deep learning models to detect cyberbullying in Kazakh: Using more sophisticated deep learning models that can take into account more subtle nuances of language and context to more accurately detect cyberbullying.
6. Development of a deep model of a hybrid architecture for detecting cyberbullying in the Kazakh language: Creating a hybrid model that combines various approaches and deep learning technologies to improve the accuracy and efficiency of cyberbullying detection.
7. Improving the developed model using an attention mechanism: The final task involves refining and optimizing models using attention mechanisms, which will allow the system to more accurately focus on key aspects of the text related to cyberbullying.
Amount of grant financing: 59772298 tenge: 2024 year –20324888 tenge, 2025 year – 20115170 tenge, 2026 year – 19332240 tenge.
Expected results
1. 3 (three) articles will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific publication with not less than 50 (fifty) percentile according to the Social Science Citation Index or Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) CiteScore of the Scopus database;
2. 4 (four) articles will be published in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic editions recommended by the National Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Information about performers
1. Abdrakhmanov Rustam Bakhtiyoruly – Project manager, leading researcher
2. Sultan Daniyar Rakhmankulovich – leading researcher
3. Tolep Abdimukhan Seilkhanovich – leading researcher
4. Toktarova Aigerim Bastarbekovna – leading researcher
5. Turymbetov Tursinbay Abdibekovich – senior researcher
6. Iskakov Tairzhan Bakhytbayevich – senior researcher
7. Ibraeva Zhanylsyn – Employee