From 13.-15.11.2023 The Department of Competence, Career and Employment organized a meeting with Amangeldiev Anuar, a representative of Financial Center JSC on the ZOOM platform for graduates of schools “Physical Culture and Sports”, “Tourism” and “Hospitality” on employment issues.
At the meeting, issues of sending a specialist to work, reimbursement of expenses incurred at the expense of budgetary funds, granting the right to self-employment, exemption from duty or termination of the obligation to work by citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who studied on the basis of a state educational order were discussed. More than 160 students took part in the conference.
The students received information about the training, its purpose, about the assistance that will be provided to young specialists by the state, and questions about providing false information and fraud were also noted.
In turn, the manager of Financial Center JSC, Anuar Zamirovich, noted that young specialists can contact him directly, if parents have any questions, he is always ready to answer them.