An educational video lecture on combating drug addiction was held at IUTH
The event was attended by the responsible employee of the medical center, as well as the university administration and the staff of the student parliament.
It is necessary to understand that drug addiction is not a purely medical problem, it is largely formed under the influence of social factors, which means that drug use is also a social problem. Accordingly, the methods of combating this phenomenon should be social. So, one of the most important actions that should be taken in this direction is prevention.
The medical psychologist has repeatedly stressed that health largely depends on each person, on their lifestyle, that everyone is the master of their life and their health:
“Know that drugs deprive you of hope, joy, freedom, and most importantly, they deprive a person of life!”
It is important for adults to remember that the free time of young people is a risk factor and therefore it is extremely important to plan leisure activities, including activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing socially negative phenomena.
The event aimed at raising public awareness was very informative. Each participant had the opportunity to ask a question to an employee of the medical center and a psychologist.
IUTH Press Service