Umirzakova Zaure Asetovna

Umirzakova Zaure Asetovna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences



  • From 1991 to 1998, Umirzakova Zaure completed her studies at the Faculty of Philology at Abai Kazakh National University, specializing in “Russian Language and Literature in National School”.
  • From 1995 to 1998, she studied in the postgraduate program at the Department of Comparative Grammar and Translation at Abai Kazakh National University.
  • On April 20, 1999, she defended her dissertation on the topic: “Word-Formation Field of Names of Persons by Profession in Russian and Kazakh Languages” in the specialties: 10.02.01 – Russian Language and 10.02.02 – Kazakh Language. Her academic advisor was Prof. Z.K. Akhmetzhanova, Doctor of Philology.
  • In 2009, by the decision of the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in Linguistics (Protocol No. 5 dated May 21, 2009).

Work experience:

  • From 1999 to 2004 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Comparative Grammar and Translation at Abai Kazakh National University.
  • From 2004 to 2019 – Acting Associate Professor and Associate Professor at various departments including the Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, Department of Practical Languages, Department of Teaching Methodology for Philological Disciplines, and Department of Russian Language and Literature at Abai Kazakh National University.
  • From 2019 to 2021 – Docent at the Language Center of the International Business University.
  • From 2020 to 2022 – Docent at the Department of General Education Disciplines at the International University of Tourism and Hospitality.
  • Since 2022 – Docent and Associate Professor at the Language School of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality.


  • Educational manuals: Chrestomathy on Translation Theory (excerpts and extracts) (Almaty: Abai Kazakh National University, 2001, 13 pp.) (Co-authored with Z.K. Akhmetzhanova, A.M. Aldasheva, et al.); “Basic Concepts of Word-Formation in Russian and Kazakh Languages” (Almaty, 2004, 7 pp.); “Scientific Style of Russian Speech” (Almaty, 2007, 10 pp.); “Pragmatic Aspect of Discourse”. Textbook. – Almaty, 2017 – 160 pp. (Co-authored with Z.K. Akhmetzhanova, Z.Sh. Ernazarova); Russian Language: Textbook for Students of Economic Specialties of Universities. – Almaty, UMB, 2019. – 218 pp .; Russian Language: Level C1 (1 semester): Textbook. – Almaty: LEM Publishing House, 2023. -260 pp., Recommended by UMO RUMS based on al-Farabi KazNU (protocol No. 5 of July 11, 2023), 1 copyright certificate.
  • Monograph: “Culture in the Mirror of Language”. – Almaty: Eltanym Publishing House, 2014. – 480 pp. (Co-authored with Z.K. Akhmetzhanova, A.T. Onalbaeva).
  • 2 electronic textbooks: Scientific Style of Russian Speech. – Electronic textbook (PROFITSOFT software product). – Almaty: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, electronic resources hall (ZER), 2013 .; Development of Skills in Literary Scientific Speech. – Electronic textbook (PROFITSOFT software product). – Almaty: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, electronic resources hall (ZER), 2013 . (Co-authored with V.E. Abayev).
  • Published 75 scientific articles, including 16 in distant foreign countries, 4 in near foreign countries, 11 in Journals of the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 articles in publications included in the Scopus scientometric database, and 42 in collections of works and conference materials, as well as in journals of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Professional development courses:

  • Professional development courses on the topic: “Innovative Methods of Teaching the Academic Discipline ‘Russian Language’” Order No. 128 dated December 10, 2022 Almaty Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel ALKA Training Center Certificate for 72 hours January 10-31, 2022.
  • Republican scientific-methodological online seminar on the topic: “Modern Trends in Teaching Russian Language and Literature at School” Certificate for 72 hours Almaty KazNPU and
  • Participant of the International Project and Professional Development “Cultural and Educational Navigator in the World of Russian Word” Institute of Continuing Education. Association of Additional Professional Education of the Russian Federation No. 72 p. Certificate No. 01-580 AM. October 7-21, 2022.
  • Innovative educational technologies for teaching Russian as a non-native language. “Turan” Center for Advanced Studies. Turkestan city, Kazakhstan. Certificate No. 269. November 14-28, 2022.

Taught disciplines:

  • Russian language