Training of highly qualified, competitive specialists who are able to effectively carry out professional activities in the field of tourism and hospitality and have practical skills in organizing tourism activities.
According to the educational program of the organization of tourism and the hospitality industry, the following main disciplines are taught: Standardization and Certification in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, PR of Recreation and Entertainment, Legal Basis of Insurance in Tourism, Design and Promotion of Tourism Products, Ecologicaltourism, Reservation System in Hospitality, Tourism and Hospitality Infrastructure, Quality Management of Hotel and Restaurant Enterprises.
Internship: Since the International University of Tourism and Hospitality is a member of the UN International Tourism Organization, students undergo internships in leading Kazakhstani and international hotels and tourism organizations, travel agencies and tourism departments.
A student who has completed an educational program can perform the following functions: Manager of the organization of the tourism and hospitality industry, whose duties include: organizing tourism and hospitality exhibitions, organizing Event events, working as an administrator in hotels (restaurants), travel agent, tour operator, entrepreneur in the tourism and hospitality industry, specialist in government agencies, public organizations, private and consulting companies, marketing services in the tourism and hospitality industry. Also working in the field of excursion services: tour guide, guide-tour guide, organizer-animator, implementation of the activities of a tourism instructor.
Graduates can work at enterprises of various forms of ownership in the field of tourism and hospitality: Enterprises of the tourism and hospitality industry of various forms of ownership: state bodies, public organizations and associations, private companies; republican, international tour operator and travel agent companies; enterprises of accommodation and catering; objects of cultural and leisure activities; sanatorium and health-improving institutions; Republican and international exhibition centers; secondary vocational training institutions and centres; children and youth centers of active tourism.