Today, at the International University of Tourism and Hospitality, on the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a preventive lecture on drug crimes among the youth of the region, including students, was held with police officers of the Department of Turkestan region

By showing a video lecture on the current prevalence of synthetic drugs, explanatory work on the fight against drugs and drug addiction was carried out with the participation of employees of the Department for combating drug crime of the PD of the Turkestan region, narcologists, psychologists.
Currently, drug addiction has acquired a truly threatening scale.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that if earlier it was about natural drugs, today progress has given mankind synthetic drugs, a single injection of which into the body is enough for human life to forever turn into a constant search for a new dose. But if you have to make such a choice one day, you should be aware not only of the wonderful illusions that drugs give, but also imagine the filth, vulgarity and self-abasement that you will have to face later … just a few minutes of fleeting deception. It is very important to fight drug addiction together.