Студенческая жизнь

Student Parliament

The main principles of the Student Parliament are transparency, accessibility, self–government and self-development.

The main tasks of the student Parliament:

  • Assistance in creating conditions for self-realization and personal growth of students, the formation and development of leadership and managerial skills, a sense of solidarity and the spirit of unity, active citizenship and responsibility;
  • Holding meetings on problematic issues of students;
  • Conducting meetings of students with representatives of law enforcement agencies, healthy lifestyle centers, drug treatment centers;
  • Holding and organizing meetings with representatives of the creative intelligentsia, prominent public figures;
  • Organization and holding of student geographical tours and excursions to sacred places of Kazakhstan, historical sights of the region;
  • Organization of various events;
  • Organization of events for the professional development of students;
  • Assistance to the university administration in solving problems related to the organization of recreation and in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Amirbek Bauyrzhan

Chairman of the Student Parliament

One of the student government organizations. The Chairman of the Student Parliament not only helps in the formation and implementation of youth policy, but also contributes to the development of the university. Participates in the implementation of projects at the university, interacts with the department of socio-cultural development, helps to attract new projects to improve the rating of the educational institution.


Örsheyeva Sabina

Deputy Chairman of the Student Parliament

Chairs committees and monitors compliance with the rules and order of Parliament


Bolatova Kamilla

Student Leader of the Department of Science and Higher Education

Participates in solving problems between students and strengthening discipline among students, contributes to the development of the educational process of students and solving emerging academic problems


Sarsenbay Ayaulym

Student Leader of the Department of Socio-Cultural Development

Responsible for the general order and organization of events. Provides assistance to university management bodies, student self-government bodies, in organizing leisure and everyday life of students, in carrying out activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.


Ataybek Kuandyk

Advisor to the Chairman of the Student Parliament

It contributes to the formation of public opinion, as well as the recognition of the university. Purpose: direct information and propaganda among schools and students. It helps to create a positive information background about the university.


Rakhman Duman

Student Sports Management Leader

Manages the processes within the sports school (student council), maintains close relations with the faculty and departments of the university.


Tynys Rinat

Student Activity Management Leader

Initiating various events at the educational institution, increasing student engagement and implementing new ideas and projects.