Abiyev Bakhytzhan Myrzakhmetovich


Abiyev Bakhytzhan Myrzakhmetovich

Senior Teacher


  • 1991-1995. Shymkent Pedagogical Institute. M.Auezova

      Specialty: Russian language and literature

  • 2013-2015 Regional social and innovative university

      Specialty : Master of Humanities

  • 2006-2008. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after A.Yasavi

      Specialty : State and local government


  • 4 scientific articles based on Scopus, Web of Science, more than 86 scientific
  • articles in domestic and foreign publications, 10 study guides,
  • 1 monograph, h-index – 3  

 Courses of study

  • “Russian language: level education”, November 2020, Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
  • “Multilingualism and intercultural communication: actual problems of translatology (translation) and Russian studies of the XXI century”, March 2018, Moscow,
  • Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
  • “Kashyktyktan bіlіm I take technologylary boyinsha sabak I take zhane bagalau”
  • MKTU them. A. Yasawi (13-18.04.2020)
  • “New Pedagogy. Program design. New methods of online teaching” 72 Ulttyk Ұstaz Online Academies №106, 2021
  • “Russian language in the synchrony of diachrony: problems and perspectives” KazNU. Al-Farabi (Certificate No. 2019-21-020, 19-23.12.2019)
  • “Actual problems of pedagogy and psychology: challenges of the XXI century” Moscow State University, Moscow 30.03.2021
  • “Inclusive Bіlіm I take” MKTU im. A.Yasavi 28.09-09.10.2020 No. 00942
  • “Zhogary oku oryndarynda okytudyn zamanaui pedagogical technologary” MKTU im. A.Yasavi 03.-16.01.2019 No. 02902
  • “Bilim take uyimdarynda sybailas zhemkorlykka karsy madeniytі kalyptastyru” MKTU im. A.Yasavi 03.-16.01.2019 No. 02902
  • “Zhana formationsiyada kasiptik bilim berudin ozekti maseleleri” MKTU im. A.Yasavi 03.-16.01.2018
  • 2022 zhyldyn 7 akpany men 19 akpany aralygynda 72 sagat kөlemindegi “Қashyktyқtan bіlіm take tekhnologilary boyinsha sabaқ take zhane bagalau” takyryby boyinsha bіlіktіlіk arttyru courses. Certificate No. 0508, K.A. Yasaui atyndagy KhKTU.
  • Refresher course “On being a scientist”. Academy of the European Academy of Sciences and Research online course of the academy 22.05.2022,
  • New English Language Learning Technologies through Macmillan tutorials. 05.-15.04.2023. Macmillan Education Seminar
  • «Педагогическая мастерская» Международный университет туризма и гостеприимства. 2023г.

Subjects taught

  • Practical Russian