Student Sports Club

The mission of the SSC: 

Involvement of students in physical education and sports, development and popularization of student sports.

Student Sports Club is an effective tool for the development of student sports: 

  • Mass sports events – organization and holding of tournaments, competitions and other sporting events.
  • A single brand of student sports at the university
  • A sports club can have a name, an emblem, award attributes, and a sports uniform.
  • The personnel reserve – the activists of the Sports Club are future excellent specialists.
  • Work with dormitories – holding sports events in the university dormitories.
  • Information coverage – notes about student sports in the media.
  • Working with fans is working with the public who comes to support the national teams of the university.

The main objectives of the SSC’s activities: 

  • Increasing the number of students who systematically engage in physical education and sports, forming their motivation and sustained interest in health promotion.
  • Participation of students in sports competitions of various levels.
  • Formation of a healthy lifestyle, civic and patriotic education of students.
  • Assistance to students, members of the university’s national teams in creating the necessary conditions for the effective organization of the educational and training process (organization of training, provision of sports equipment and branded equipment, etc.).

About us: 

The club is operated by qualified specialists, each of whom is a professional in his field: an Honorary sports figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a boxing coach, a football coach, a freestyle wrestling coach, an instructor.


Director of the SSC:

Esmuratov Chingiz Shalharovich

Email address:


The methodologist of the SSC:

Ashirova Assel Asankyzy

Email address: