№ | The cipher and the name of the Group of educational programs | Date and time of the event | Venue |
1. | B092-Leisure “6B11107-Sports and wellness fitness”; “6B11106-Sports tourism”. | 20.06.2023-05.07.2023 Time: 10.00-12.00 | International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Turkestan, Rabiga Sultan Begim str. 14 A, 104 auditorium |
2. | In 005-Training of teachers of physical culture and sports “6B01401- Physical culture and sports; “6B01402 – Physical education and initial military training. | 20.06.2023-05.07.2023 Time:10.00-12.00 | International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Turkestan, Rabiga Sultan Begim str. 14 A, 104 auditorium |