Zhumanov Talib Aitbaievich


Zhumanov Talib Aitbaievich

Candidate of Philosophy Sciences, Docent



  • 1964-1969 – Tomsk State University, specialty: “legislation”, qualification “lawyer”
  • 1964-1970 – Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical Institute, specialty “history”, qualification and title “high school teacher”
  • 1971-1974 – Lomonosov Moscow State University, postgraduate studies at the Philosophy department (aspirantura)
  • Academic degree: candidate of philosophy sciences
  • Academic title: docent
  • Job title: associate professor 


  • More than 30 scientific articles and other published works, including a collection of lectures for university students “Fundamentals of Political Science” in three parts (Krasnoyarsk, 1997-1999), as well as a voluminous textbook “Fundamentals of Political Science” (Shymkent, 2021, 540 pp)

Advanced qualification courses: 

  • Certificate of completion of the 72-hour course “Using of innovative technologies on political science’ teaching” from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (No.19-12-38, 2019).
  • Certificate of graduates of the 72-hour course “Inclusive education” of the Center for Continuing and Distance Education of the Ahmet Yasawi IKTU (No. 00694, 2020).
  • Certificate of completion of the 72-hour course “Teaching and assessment on the using technologies of distance education” of the Center for Continuing and Distance Education of Akhmet Yasawi IKTU (No. 00100, 2020).
  • Certificate of completion of the 72-hour course “Usage of modern digital technologies on the Teaching of Philosophy” by the Educational Center “Global Professional Development” (No. BA/FL/0154, 2020).

Disciplines taught:

  • Political science, sociology