Higher education
- 2001-2005 Karaganda State University named after EA Boketov. Psychologist-practitioner ЖБ№0022737.
- 2005-2008 He was registered as a student of the “General Pedagogy” department of the K.A.Yasaui International Technical University. .
- In 2008, 130008 was awarded the scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences on the specialty of Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education.
- In 2010, he was awarded the scientific title of docent in the specialty of pedagogy.
Publications: 1 impact factor article, about 20 JAC articles, articles at more than 30 scientific conferences, 2 teaching aids, more than 10 teaching-methodical aids have been published.
Training courses
- Innovative methods and modern technologies of teaching pedagogical subjects.
- On the skills of higher education program development and syllabus development within the framework of the KZEMR/DS-02 project “Introduction of Pedagogical Education Model and Strengthening of its Content” coordinated by Hime University of Applied Sciences of Finland: On the subject of psychology.
Teaching subjects: Psychology, Creative thinking