Orazbek Nuskabayev


Orazbek Nuskabayev

Рrofessor, DSS

Scientific achievements

In 1989, in the specialty 09.00.01-Philosophy, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Worldview of youth: features and factors of formation of the Ego” and became a candidate of philosophical sciences.

  • In 1991, he received the title of associate professor in the specialty “Philosophy”.
  • In 1995, 22.00.04 – social structure, social institutions and lifestyle, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Institute of socialization of the younger generation at school”, and in 1996 he received the scientific degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences.
  • In 1997, he received the academic title of professor in the specialty “Sociology”.
  • In the period from 1997 to 2002, the city of Turkestan was opened for the first time and the defense of candidate dissertations in the specialties of philosophy and sociology K 14.37.02 was allowed. was the chairman of the specialized council.
  • Full member (academician) of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2012. Certificate No. 51. April 2012.


  • Социология. Оқулық (екінші басылымы)-Түркістан:А.Ясауи университетінің
  • «Тұран» баспасы, 2008.-174б.
  • Жалал ад-Дин Румидің өмірі мен шығармашылығы. Монография.-
  • Түркістан:А.Ясауи университетінің «Тұран» баспасы, 2010.-153б.
  • Азаматтық позиция мен Ұлттық сана-сезімді қалыптастыру (Философиялық толғау). Монография. – Тұркістан: А.Ясауи университетінің «Тұран» баспасы, 2012.-243б.
  • Жаһандану жағдайындағы ұлттық қауіпсіздік қағидаттары (мақала). //Ақиқат. Ұлттық қоғамдық – саяси журнал.-2013.-№5.-99-101беттер.
  • Роль семьи в социолизации молодого поколения //Саясат – Policy- 2015. №6.стр.25.(Информационно-аналитический журнал «Саясат-Policy имеет импакт-фактор за 2011-2016 годы составляющий 0,007»).
  • Маңғытай, маңғыт, ноғай тарихы (этносоциологиялық талдау). Монография. – Алматы: Қазақстан, 2015-256б.


  • Medal “For Services to the South Kazakhstan Region” (order of the Akim of the OK region No. 1-3180 dated November 25, 2014). • Badge “Honored Worker of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic” (according to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic dated April 24, 2014).
  • Breastplate “Yu. Altynsarin” for significant achievements in education and upbringing (order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 23, 2009).
  • Breastplate “For Services to the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (order of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 9, 2003)