Myrzalyiev Borash

Myrzalyiev Borash Smaiovich

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Higher education:

▪ 1969-1974 Samarkand Agricultural Institute, zootechnician-economist

▪ 1974 Kazakh Research Institute of Karakul Sheep Breeding, senior laboratory assistant

▪ 1974-1975 Service in the Soviet Army

▪ 1975-1976 Kazakh Research Institute of Karakul Sheep Breeding, junior research fellow

▪ 1976-1979 Kazakh Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, full-time postgraduate student

▪ 1979-1985 Kazakh Research Institute of Karakul Sheep Breeding, junior research fellow in the economics department

▪ 1985-1989 Chief Economist of the Amangeldi State Farm, Syrdarya District, Kyzylorda Region

▪ 1989-1992 Senior, Leading Researcher, Economic Department, Kazakh Research Institute of Karakul Sheep Breeding

▪ 1992-1994 First Deputy Akim of the Arys District, South Kazakhstan Region

▪ 1994-2024 K.A. Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Heads of the Departments of Management and Marketing, Finance and Accounting, Economics

▪ In 2024, Professor of the School of Hospitality, International University of Tourism and Hospitality.

Advanced training:

▪ 1993. Institute for Advanced Training under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty)

▪ 2004. Institute for Advanced Training of Narxoz University

▪ 2006. Institute for Advanced Training of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

▪ 2016. Belgium (Brussels, Leuven University), Netherlands (Rotterdam, Erasmus University), Germany (Aachen, Aachen University)

▪ 2023. Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

Research work: In 1975-2024, he wrote more than 540 scientific papers, including 95 books (27 monographs, 9 textbooks, 59 educational and teaching aids). In addition, 437 scientific articles were published (including 48 articles in foreign countries and 14 in English in impact factor (IF) journals.

Subjects taught: «Fundamentals of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business», «Business Planning in Tourism and Hospitality», «Logistics in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry».