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Phone | 87078324615 |
City | g Almaty, K rasnoarmeyskaya str.К., 75 |
Education | Kazakh National PedagogicalUniversity named after Abai: academic degree of Bachelor of Education, ZHB-B 0043725 2014. Kazakh Academy of Sports andTourism. Master of Science, ZHOOK-M No. 0089807, 2016 Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism 6D090200 – “Tourism” 2017. Order No. 573 of July 12, 2021, on awarding the degree of philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D090200 “Tourism” 2021. |
Academic degree, title: | PhD |
Publications | In базе the Scopus database -Gubarenko, A., Kadyrbekova, D., Imangulova, T., Luterovich, O., Yespenbetov N. Quest excursion, as interactive form of providing excursion services in Kazakhstan. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. – 2020. – Year XIII, vol, 2, no 4. – Р.1402-1409 – Pestova A., Gubarenkо, A., Imangulova T., Ussubaliyeva S., Uaisova A. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2021, № 38(4), 1005-1010 R. – V., Gubarenko A., Imangulova T., Ussubaliyeva S, Abdikarimova M. Popularizatin of objects of the cultural and historical Heritage of the republic of Kazakhstan as a factor for the development of ethnocultural tourism of the country GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 39(4spl), 1450-1460. In the COXON database of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Methodology for creating passports of objects of tourist interest in the work of a guide. Questions of geography and geoecology. – 2019.– No. 1. – pp. 19-23 – . Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V., Luterovich O. G.. Development of the official audio guide of the city of Almaty, as an innovative form of excursion service. Questions of geography and geoecology. 2019. – No. 4. – pp.12-17 -Gubarenko A. and others. Method of establishing toponymic passport for excursion route around the Аlmaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of physical culture”. – 2019.- № 4 (58). – P. 149-156 -Abdikarimova M. N., Gubarenko A.V., Makogonov A. N., Imangulova T. V., Luterovich O. G. System approach in the development of educational trajectories for training tourism industry specialists for excursion services. Scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of physical culture”. – 2020. – № 4 (62). – Gubarenko A.V., Imangulova T. V., ЛютеLuterovich O. G., Abdikarimova M. N., Makogonov A. N. Retrospective analysis of the historical line of development of excursion services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of physical culture”. – 2020. – № 4 (62). – С. 151-158 – Pestova A, Gubarenko A., Makogonov A, Imangulova T. The role of human resource management system in preparing of the specialists for the industry of tourism/ Scientific and theoretical Journal “Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture”. – 2021. – № 4 (66). – Pp. 26-33 DOI: 10.48114 / 2306-5540_2021_4_26 -Pestova A., Imangulova T., Gubarenko A. Modernapproach to the search and recruitment system in the tourism industry of Kazakhstan. Economic series of the L. N. Gumilyov ENU Bulletin No. 4/2021 pp. 242-253 – . Pestova, A. Gubarenko, T. Imangulova Modern professional approach to training specialists for the tourism industry. Vestnik KazNU. Ser.geograficheskaya [Bulletin ofthe Kazakh National University]. No. 4/2021 (63) pp. – 56-69 T. V., Aldybaev B. B., Gubarenko A.V.. Ecological and ethno-cultural component in the trainingof specialists in active types of tourism. Scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of physical culture”. – 2022. – № 1 (67). – P. 37-48 -Imangulova T. V., Aldybaev B. B., Gubarenko A.V. Features of preparation and holding of cultural events for the ecological and ethnographic direction of active types of tourism. Scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of physical culture”. – 2022. – № 1 (67). – Pp.-203 190-203 International scientific-and practical conferences -Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Tourist and local history studies in the formation of professional competencies of a guide. VI International scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and applied направлениdirections of tourism and recreation development in the regions of Ukraine”: mat. – Kropyvnytskyi, 2018. – pp. 235-242 . – Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Inventory of objects of tourist and local lore interest in the city of Almaty, in order to improve the quality of excursion services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. II International Scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of tourism development”: Moscow, 2018, pp. 39-46. – Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. International experience in the development of excursion services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. II International Scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of tourism development”: Moscow, 2018, pp. 46-53. . 46-53 53 – Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Organization of advanced training courses for tour guides as a factor in the development of excursion services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. I International Scientific and practical conference: Digital technologies: science, education, innovations: mat. – Moscow, 2018. – pp. 254-260–- – Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Features of implementing professional standards in the system of training excursion service specialists. V International scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and applied направлениdirections of tourism and recreation development in the regions of Ukraine”: mat. – Kropyvnytskyi, 2019. – pp. 273-279. – Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Theoretical and methodological foundations of modern excursion services. International scientific and practical conference “Theory and practice: problems and prospects”: mat. – Lithuania, 2020. – pp. 243-250 -Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Actual directions in the modern excursion service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conferenceии “ACTUAL PROBLEMSOF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT”, Russian FederationMoscow, 2021 p. 64-68 -etc. Educational and methodical manuals, monographs: – Under. the general runit. Dusenko S. V. Innovative directions of tourism and hospitality development in modern Russia: a collective monograph-Moscow: RUSAINS, 2019. – 232 p . – Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Tourist and toponymic dictionary of the Almaty region. Textbook-Almaty: KazAST, 2016. – 128 p . – Zakiryanov B. K., Luterovich O. G., Orazymbetova B. K., Gubarenko A.V. Almaty sports. Travel guide. Saint Petersburg:MamatovPublishing House, 2017, 64 p., ill. – Zakiryanov B..K., Luyterovich O..G., Orazymbetova B..K., Gubarenko A.A.V.. Almaty sports.Guide– – St..Petersburg: Publisher “Mamatov”, 2017. – 60 pp., ILL. – Zakiryanov B. K., Luterovich O. G., Orazymbetovaymbetova B. K., Artanov B. A., Gubarenko A.V., Semibratova P. A. 200 sightseeing objects г. of Almaty. Textbook-Almaty: Service Press, 2018. – 507 p . – Imangulova T. V., Gubarenko A.V. Osnovy turistsko-kraevedcheskoy raboty[Fundamentals of tourist and local history work]. Textbook-AAlmaty: KazAST, 2018-132 p . – Zakiryanov B. K., Luterovich O. G., rogozhinskyгожинский A. E., Artanov B. A., Gubarenko A.V., Ivleva N. V. 150 excursion objects of the Almaty region. Textbook-Alm: Service Press, 2020. – 376 p . – Imangulova T..V., Gubarenko А.A.V., Abdikarimova M..НN., Management of food and beverage operation. Educational manual. Almaty: KazAST, 2021. – 200 p. – Imangulova T..V.. Omarova N.N.АA. Yelegenova A..S.. Gubarenko А.A.V.. Turizmdegi animatsiya. Oku kuraly Almaty: KazSTA, 2021. – 80 b. – Imangulova T..V.. Gubarenko A.V. Abdikarimova M..НN. Metodika nauchno-issledovatelskoiraboty v turizme [Methodology of research work in tourism]. Training manual. Алматы: КазАСТ, 2021. – 164 с. – Имангулова Т.В. Абдикаримова М.Н. Губаренко А.В. Туризмдегі ғылыми зерттеу жұмысының әдістемесі. Оқу құралы. Алматы: ҚазСТА, 2021. – 104 б. – Имангулова Т.В., Кадырбекова Д.С. Губаренко А.В. Турестік-өлкетану жұмысының негіздері. Оқу құралы – Алматы: ҚазСТА, 2021. – 136 б. – Закирьянов Б.К.Лютерович О.Г., Токпанов Е.А., Имангулова Т.В., Кадырбекова Д.С. Губаренко А.В. Алматы облысының 150 экскурсиялық нысандары. Оқу құралы – Алматы: «Service Press», 2021. – 344 б. Ushkulakova G., Pestova A., Zhaksybekova D, Gubarenko A. Kizmet korsetu salasyndagy HRM. Оқу құралы – Алматы: «Service Press», 2021. – 124 б. |
Advanced training courses
| – Modern educational technologies, their application in practice. 17.01-22.01.2022 (72 hours) KazAST -A series of master classes from “Loft Cafe” “Analysis of the concept ofretorans”, ” Creating your own pop concept “(36 hours) 1-6 March 2021; “Personnel management on pop”, “Material and non-material motivation of personnel” 8-13. 03. 2021 (36 hours); “на Pop accounting”, “Calculation” on March 15-20, 2021 (36 hours); “Technology of table setting and decoration” on March 22-27, 2021 (36 hours) – Innovative directions in the design of tourist and recreational areas. KazAST from June 18 to July 2, 2020 (72 hours) – Training with remote technologies using LMS systems and Microsoft Google software (72 hours) / / KazAST from May 12 to May 22, 2020 -Fundamentals of Cyberpedagogy under the program of advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan BZ: 04834 (72 hours) / / Digital Academy Elab.Asia. NAO im Y.Алтынсарина, 2020 г. -Current trends development of tourism, excursion services and HR management (120 hours) / / LSU Lithuania, Kaunas 2020 from March 30 30 to April 30, 2020. -Management of organizational processes at enterprises in the service sector (72 hours) No. 1259 // Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel of ATU from October 19 to October 29, 2020. – Guest service: table setting, order acceptance, food delivery and guest calculation” (36 hours) / /AAA-Group LLP» 24-29February 24-29, 2020. – Animation and entertainment activities at service sector enterprises (36 hours) / /Aspan Park LLP17-22 February 7-22, 2020. – Personnel management at service sector enterprises (36 hours) / /Aspan Park LLPFebruary 13-18, 2020. – Working behind the bar: serving Guests and preparing cocktails (36 hours) / / Loft CafeCafe NAMED after “Omarzhan” February 10-15, 2020 – Table setting technology. Technology of serving the Guest at the table (36 hours) / / Loft Cafe NAMED after “Omarzhan” 03-08 February 2020 -Identification of the range of tableware, appliances and table linen. Compilation and design of technological, technical and technological maps and their calculation (36 hours) / / Loft Cafe NAMED after “Omarzhan” 27.01-01.02. 2020 – Restaurant concept. Restaurant personnel management (36 hours) / / Loft Cafe NAMED after “Omarzhan” 20 – 25 January 20-25, 2020 -Training course “Theory and practice of coffee business organization in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Almaty.Алматы, November 11-18, 2019.Vanilla Handmade Coffee LLP(36 hours) – Training course “Theory and practice of coffee business organization in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Almaty.Алматы, November 11-18, 2019.Vanilla Handmade Coffee LLP(36 hours) – International courses “Museology, museum pedagogy, excursion theory and methodology. г. Nur-Sultan, October 26-28, 2019. Travel agency “Arman-tour -Training seminar for tour guides. Almaty.А21.08.2019 Visit Almaty (36 hours) – Master class on the topic: “Restaurant business and the role of restaurant cuisine” 36 hours / / Almaty.Алматы, October 22-27, 2018 – Master class on the topic: “Restaurant life from the inside” 36 hours/ / Almaty.Алматы, November 19-24, 2018 -Master class on the topic: “Restaurant life from the inside” 36 hours// Almaty.Алматы, December 10-15, 2018 -Master class on the topic: “Corporate spirit-engine of progress” 36 hours / / Almaty.Алматы, January 21-26, 2019 – Advanced training courses on the topic “Modern aspects of tourism and hospitality development” 72 hours/ / KazAST-Almaty., February 11-23, 2019 -International workshop ” Preparation of organizers for tourism and local lore work in educational institutions” 36 hours / / KazAST-Almaty, 2019 -How to win in a competitive competition through impeccable customer service (72 hours) / / Tabeya LLP February 16-28, 2018. -Technique of increasing sales (72 hours) / / Tabeya LLP February 16-28, 2018. – Tourism research training the UNWTO silk road programme on the spotlight building tourism intelligence in an ever changing world спикер кандидат PhD Nikolaos Gkolfinopoilos Алматы – 2017 г – New York University and Tourist Information Center of Almaty City held a 72 hours training on research methods in tourism industry |
Achievements | – Letter of thanks to the supervisor for preparing students for participation in the II International student scientific conference “Trends in the development of tourism and hospitality in Russia”//Moscow, March 14, 2018 – Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, For creative work, for contribution to the development of tourism, enthusiasm, commitment to innovative pedagogical methods 2016, 2019. – Winner of the Olympiad “Best specialists of the tourism industry in 2019” in the category “Teachers, best teachers in tourism: knowledge of tourist resources of Kazakhstan” 1st place. December 9-19, 2019. – 1st degree diploma “Best young scientist-2020”. Project “1 International Book publication” among scientific and educational institutions of the CIS. Nur-Sultan March 13-17, 2020 |
Subjects taughtSubjects taught | are fundamentals of local history, art and museum management, introduction to academic writing, field tripstudies, geography of international tourism |