Faizulla Gulnaz Faizullakyzy


Faizulla Gulnaz Faizullakyzy

Аssociate professor


  • 1997-2001 International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A. Yasawi

Profession: philologist, teacher of Turkish language and literature and Kazakh language (bachelor);

  • 2003-2005 International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A. Yasawi

Profession: Master of Philology (Kazakh language);

  • Academic degree, title: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, acting associate professor.


  • More than 40 scientific articles, 2 monographs, about 20 fiction books in domestic and foreign publications.

Refresher courses:

  1. Training course “Development and updating of educational programs”. 72 hours No. 027, 2021 city of Turkestan.
  2. Training seminar “Digital literacy: integration in education” based on domestic and foreign experience. 72 hours #142. 2022 Astana city.
  3. Formation of an anti-corruption culture in educational organizations. 30 hours of K.A.Yassavi International Technical University. 02/09/2019 – 06/09/2019. Certificate No. 0085. city of Turkestan.
  4. «21 Yüzyılda Türk Dili ve Türk Dilinin Öğretiminde Kullanılan Madern Yüntemleri ve Teknikleri» онлайн. Türk Ocakları Derneği, 72 часа, Турция, г.Анкара, 21.10.2019-20.11.2019 Сертификат №2019/39;
  5. “Teaching and evaluation of distance education technologies” Center for Continuing and Distance Education, 72 hours. 04/13/2020 – 04/18/2020. Certificate No. 05765, Turkestan.
  6. Completed a 72-hour distance learning course on the topic “Inclusive Education”. 09/28/2020 – 10/09/2020. Certificate No. 00894. city of Turkestan.
  7. Qualification course “GALAMNUR” on the topic “Stylistics of the Turkish language” in the amount of 72 academic hours. 09.11.2020-20.11.2020, No. 624, Turkestan.8. Association of Teachers of English of Kazakhistan `KazTEA` «Advancing English for Media Literacy in Kazakhistan» hroject completing successfully `English for Media Literacy` course 26.11.2022.

Teaching disciplines:

  • Professionally oriented foreign language in the field of tourism (Turkish language);
  • Development of intercultural communication in foreign languages (Turkish language);
  • Language practice in tourism activities (Turkish language);
  • Foreign language for professional purposes (Turkish language).