Bitabarov Ermek Abdimazhitovich

Bitabarov Ermek Abdimazhitovich

Acting Associate Professor


1991-1995 – Shymkent Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture

  • Specialty: physical education
  • Qualification: Teacher of physical culture

1996-1999 – Postgraduate course of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

  • Specialty: 13.00.01 – General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy


  1. Modeling of the process of formation of health-saving competence of the future teacher. Bulletin of the Kazakh University of International Relations and International Languages named after Abylai Khan. Series “Pedagogical Sciences”, No. 4 (67), Almaty, 2022. – 23-34.
  2. Formation of health-saving competencies of students by means of physical education. Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism: scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of Physical education”, No. 3 (69), Almaty, 2022. – 79-87.
  3. The system of formation of health-saving competencies of future teachers. Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism: scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of Physical Education”, No. 1 (71), Almaty, 2023. – 21-27.
  4. Education of youth patriotism based on the sporting achievements of the glorious boxer A. Nurmakhanov. Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism: scientific and theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of physical education”, No. 1 (71), Almaty, 2023. – 130-138.

Advanced training courses:

  1. Recreational swimming. International advanced training course «Science Service» International Project Coordination Center. Almaty, 2023.
  2. Methods of teaching volleyball. The Center for the organization of international and republican projects “ASTANA JOBALARY”. Astana, 2023.