Abylova Gulnar


Abylova Gulnar Erezhepovna

Candidate of Philological Sciences and about. assistant professor


  • 1997-2001. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A. Yasavi.
  • Specialty: philologist, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature (bachelor).
  • 2001-2003. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A. Yasavi
  • Specialty: Master of Philology (Kazakh language).
  • Academic degree, title: candidate of philological sciences (10.02.19 – language theory).


  • More than 25 scientific articles in domestic and foreign publications, 2 textbook, 1 monograph.

Refresher courses

  • 72-hour seminar-training “Modern pedagogical technologies” based on domestic and foreign experience, conducted by Nazarbayev University (January 9 – 18, 2020);
  • Advanced training course “Theoretical and practical technologies of teaching general linguistics” on the basis of the Abay Research Institute of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 72 hours. (Certificate No. 30 00 01, 02.03. – 12.03.2020);
  • Online refresher course at the Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education “Galymnur” on the topic “Kazakh language”. 72 hours. (6.09.2021 – 18.09.2021);
  • Remotely organized course of LLP “Republican Center for Advanced Training and retraining of teachers of Kazakhstan”Samgau” on the topic “Innovative methods and techniques in teaching the discipline “office work in the state language”. 72 hours. (29.03.2022 – 12.04.2022);
  • Online advanced training course at the Center for the Organization of International and Republican Projects ” Astana Jobalary ” on the topic “Kazakh language ” (72 hours); Certificate No. 01829 (03.10.2022 – 14.10.2022);
  • Advancing English for Media Literacy in Kazakhstan» project completing successfully ‘English for Media Literacy’ course. Қазан, желтоқсан 2022 ж. Association of Teachers of English of Kazakhstan ‘KazTEA’ Түркістан қ. 72 с. Сертификат № 11.2022-ELC;
  • Coursera Certificate “English composition 1” July 3-13, 2023.

Courses taught

  • Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language