Department of academic development


The main purpose of the Department is to implement, maintain and improve the effective system of organizing the educational process at the University.


  • analytical activity – analysis of the effectiveness of the educational process;
  • management activity – development of methodological guidelines for the organization of the educational process at the University;
  • coordinating activity – coordination of the educational process;
  • consulting activity – consulting of structural divisions on the organization of the educational process in educational activities;
  • methodological activity – development and proposal of educational and methodological measures for the organization of the educational process;
  • information activity – informing the University management about the results of the Department’s activities;
  • accumulating activity – unification into a single team of subjects of the organization of the educational process for the modernization of the organization of the educational process in educational activities;
  • inter-university cooperation – exchange of experience with other universities in the organization of the educational process;
  • making proposals for the unification of educational programs in related specialties;
  • making proposals to improve of normative legal documents.


  • coordinating the activities of schools and other operating structural units of the University on the organization of the educational process and academic development;
  • participation in the development and assistance in the implementation of recommendations to structural units on the organization of the educational process;
  • development of internal regulatory documents aimed at improving the educational process and Academic policy of the University;
  • coordination of educational and methodological work of schools;
  • examination of regulatory and legal documents for educational and methodological work and recommendations for consideration by the Educational and Methodological Council.


Head of Department

Syzdykova Gauhar Zhumagulovna

Rector’s office, Room No. 205

Chief specialist (dispatcher)

Myrzakhanova Altynkul Kulmakhanovna

Rector’s office, Room No. 205

Chief Specialist

Almukhambetova Akmaral Zhenisovna

Rector’s office, Room No. 205

Chief Specialist

Janturayeva Aidyn Mukhamatalievna

Rector’s office, Room No. 205

Chief Specialist

 Tleubergenova Zhanar Askarovna

Ректорат, № 205 кабинет