The head of the military department was awarded the award of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The head of the military department of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Colonel of the Reserve Baimbetov Kuanysh Bagdatovich, was awarded by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On the eve of the Day of Formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the celebration of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a special award was presented by Chairman of the Board-Rector Alibek Shokparov.

In it, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Darkhan Akhmadiev expressed gratitude for his active participation in the education of the Armed Forces, combat and mobilization work of military units, participation in military-patriotic education of young people.

On behalf of the university staff, congratulations to the head of the military department, Kuanysh Bagdatovich Baimbetov!

IUTH Media and PR Center