On April 19, 2024, a guest lecture was held, organized by the School of Tourism of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality, together with the Turkestan Regional Department of Public Development of KSU “Public Consent” and regional structures of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, as well as the Turkestan Regional Youth Resource Center on the topic “Ways to improve legal literacy among the younger generation and ethnic youth”.
The event was organized to help the younger generation and ethnic youth develop legal thinking skills, respect for the law and the rights of others, as well as develop civic engagement and the ability to participate constructively in public life, explain the importance of legal literacy. During the guest lecture, Associate Professor of the School of Tourism Asan Dosmakhanbet Seidinbekuly, acting as moderator, began the event with an emphasis on the importance of legal literacy among young people.
During the lecture, speakers such as Deputy Head of the Turkestan regional Department of Social Development of the KSU “Public Consent” Bayetov Ernazar Kopzhasarovich, Chairman of the Mediation Council at the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Turkestan region Beisembayev Bakytzhan Zharmakhanovich, Deputy Chairman of the Turkestan regional Ethnocultural Public Association “Yntymak”, member of the Council of Mothers at the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Nauryzbayeva Gulmira Muratovna, specialist-psychologist of the Turkestan Regional Department of Social Development, youth Resource Center, Department of Social Development and Psychological Assistance Umirtayeva Zhansaya Yerzhanovna, told the students about the importance of such concepts as law and duty in society, legal literacy. At the end of the lecture, the students received answers to their questions and shared their opinions.