Аcademic calendar

Аcademic calendar 2024-2025

The organization of the educational process within an academic year is based on the academic calendar, which is approved by the decision of the University Academic Council.

The Academic Calendar is a schedule of educational and control activities, professional practices throughout the academic year, indicating rest days (holidays and vacations).

The academic calendar reflects periods of educational sessions, interim and final assessments, professional practices, and other types of academic work throughout the academic year, as well as rest days (holidays and vacations).

Each academic period concludes with a period of interim assessment of students. The duration of the interim assessment after each academic period is at least 1 week.

The main types of professional practice are educational, pedagogical, industrial, and pre-diploma. The duration of practices is determined in weeks based on the normative working time of a student during the practice week, which is 30 hours (6 hours per day with a 5-day working week).

It is allowed to introduce a summer semester (except for the final year) lasting at least 6 weeks to meet the needs for additional training, eliminating academic debts or differences in curricula, studying academic disciplines and mastering credits in other educational organizations with mandatory credit transfer to their higher and (or) postgraduate educational organization, improving the Grade Point Average (GPA), mastering a related or additional educational program, including within the framework of dual-degree education.